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CHAKRAS PART 2: Aligning

Introduction So you have the basic knowledge of what chakras are now and you're ready for part two, aligning the chakras and learning how...

And it's not even 10AM

This happened on Thursday but i forgot to hit publish. I love my life, I do. but 6:00 came way too early today. We had awesome...

To be a Dentist...

When your teen gives you the stink eye because you break into song referencing a movie they haven't seen.... Then you make them watch it.


Yes, you've heard of them and now it's time to learn a bit more about chakras and how they affect our mind, body, and spirit.

And we're off!!!

Well, there are still a few minutes left in the day. Yeah, that's plenty to be productive. I dabbled a bit with making a video entry....

First Thoughts

So as I sit here creating this site I'm thinking how absurd this sounds to the general public. In short some poor old delusional disabled...

Hello World!

Hello and welcome. Come on in and have a seat. How do you take your tea? Help yourself to biscuits, they are on the tray. How was your...

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