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Writer's pictureLisa

And we're off!!!

Well, there are still a few minutes left in the day. Yeah, that's plenty to be productive. I dabbled a bit with making a video entry. That needs much more work since I tried filming in the car while I was driving for work and ended up with about 5 minutes of a talking boob. More research is required. I'm still going to work on Etain to see if I can get her to agree to do the vlog entries. Maybe if she sees how pathetic ans awful I am in from of the camera, she'll take pity on me?

Worked a long day today and am very sleepy. It's a full moon and I'm feeling the total slacker for not doing a ritual, though I did do a reading tonight. I always get more information after the person leaves. Anyone else like this? I'm working back into opening myself up, so we'll see how that goes. There will be many salt baths to come. On the plus side of today, I did get a letter off to the lawyer asking about the implications on disability. we will see what the verdict is. Etain may be waiting a few years until she can do this on her own unless we can figure something else out.

As we get more into the blog here I will add more in the way of meditation, spell ideas, teas for the holidays, sabbats, seasons etc. We're just getting started, so I'm just going to ease into it.

Well, until tomorrow... Love and light! Brightest full moon blessings to you.

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