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These 5 spices are the most common, powerful and versatile healers. they have been used for hundreds of years around the globe. Some are still to this day suggested by modern doctors as complementary treatments. Be sure to keep these five on hand. They are good initial treatments While you are waiting for an appointment or even to treat minor illnesses that do not require doctor’s attention. These suggestions are not meant to replace the care of your doctor.Never use iodized salt if it can be avoided. Sea salt is always the best choice, but plain salt will do in a pinch. Salt is probably the most amazing, versatile, and most overlooked natural medicine around. Think for a moment and if you go into the hospital, what is the first thing they hook you up with? Saline – salt water. The best part is, you can make it at home. 1 teaspoon of plain salt to 2 cups of distilled (or boiled) water will give you a sterile saline solution.


Salt kills germs and bacteria. It is why we use it in preserving food. It’s probably the home remedy most suggested by every facet of the medical profession and yet it is so often overlooked when we talk about herbal medicine.

How it can be used

As a sinus rinse or nasal spray to relieve congestion or clean the sinus cavity. Used to treat colds and allergies.Wound care – to cleanse woundsEye rinse or to treat dry eyesmouth rinse or as a gargle to treat mouth or tooth infections, sore throats and as a preventative treatment.Body rinses to wash the energy that surrounds the body and cleanse the aura.As an exfoliant to remove dead skin cells on the face and other body parts. (Honestly, I have begun using sugar for this, it’s more gentle, then rinse with salt water.)


Another one that tops my list as being versatile, though not as much overlooked. Peppermint contains menthol which is what gives it that cooling, tingling effect. It works wonderfully to calm stomach issues, aid in digestion, ease congestion, boost energy, reduce fevers, and relieve stress. It freshens the breath and let’s face it, just tastes good. Peppermint can be used dried, fresh or even as an essential oil. Of these spices, Peppermint balances the Pitta Dosha.

How it can be used

Can be made into a tea and drunk to reduce fever, ease stomach pain and nausea and sinus congestion. With Honey added it can quell coughs as well.It can be used as a steam. The herb itself can be placed in hot water or a couple drops of the oil can be floated on the water and them just breathe the steam in to relieve congestion or to treat the skin.. Steams are great when you have a head cold and cough.As a bath. Here I suggest using the oil because to get enough of the herb in your bath to make a noticable difference would probably make a huge mess and possibly clog your plumbing should any get down your drain. It is great to help relieve fever. 10 drops of oil in a half cup of epsom salts added to a bath that is as hot as you can stand it. Once you’re in for a few moments, you’ll begin to feel the contrast between the heat from the water and the cooling effect of the oil on your skin.To treat skin ailments such as itchy rashes. Again, the essential oil seems to work the best for this, but the fresh herb could be rubbed directly on or a cool tea poured over the skin.The tea can also be used as a mouth rinse or the leaf chewed to freshen the breath.


Ginger is a great herb for digestion. You can find it in a crystallized form (candied) which is quite delicious too and is a nice treat after a heavy meal to get those digestive juices flowing. The spice itself can be used as a tea or simply ingested. It can also be used as an essential oil. Ginger is used for treating digestion issues. It is also antifungal and antibacterial, reduces inflammation and pain, and increases energy and brain function. Of these spices, Ginger balances the Vata dosha in Ayurveda medicine.

How it is used

More often than not it is just eaten or made into a tea.sometimes it is powdered and put into capsules.The essential oil is used topically in baths or rinses and in aromatherapy.You can buy it crystallized or in candied form and it is delicious. It is a treat to eat it this way and yes, it still has the same benefits.


Turmeric has been the up and coming fad of late, but the healing properties have long been known to many. It is good for joints and muscle pain as it is an anti-inflammatory. Turmeric also relieves indigestion, reduces bloating, and moderates blood sugar levels. It is very good for cognitive ability and helps the body fight against free radicals. Another bonus is that it helps the body produce healthy and glowing skin. Of these spices, Turmeric balances the Kapha Dosha.

How it is used

Drink as a tea to reduce inflammation and to aid in digestion, to treat digestive issues, or to maintain blood sugar levels.Use ground turmeric in to also help fight inflammation and to fight against free radicals.As a spice in foods. It is, afterall, delicious.Applied directly as a poultice to reduce swelling .It is also used in facial products to fight against aging, free radicals to reduce puffiness, treat sunburn and to treat acne. and easy mask is 1 tablespoon greek yogurt , 1/2 teaspoon honey, 1.4 teaspoon turmeric.


While I do enjoy all of these spices, this one in particular is my personal favorite. Who didn’t love cinnamon toast as a child, or adult for that matter? Who is thinking that is sounds good and is considering making some right now? I digress. Cinnamon is among the royalty of spices. It is used to help people who are insulin resistant keep their blood sugar in check. One study even found that Cinnamon has more antioxidant properties than superfoods like garlic and oregano. Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Weight loss and heart health are among the other lists of its uses. Again, this spice as well is great for beauty and used for anti aging. It is harder to find, but you can get a cinnamon bark essential oil. Know that a little goes a long way with it, so use it sparingly.

How it is used

As a tea, either alone or in conjunction with other herbs.Added to food, obviously, but remember that this yummy spice goes great with almost everything. Adding a sprinkle of cinnamon to your morning coffee, cocoa, ice cream, cereal, yogurt, toast, anything that can spike your blood sugar will help to moderate that spike.when cinnamon is applied to the skin, it increases the blood flow. That is great news when you want to boost a bit of circulation. Use it as a scrub (cinnamon, sugar, and honey), mix it with honey and put it on your lips to plump your lips. *don’t use if you have sensitive skin.Essential oil I would use diluted in the bath, either in a bath salt or as a body scrub.Cinnamon can also be used in capsule form as well. If you do though, make sure it is true cinnamon (ceylon) as other cinnamon has coumarin which can be harmful in large doses. Also because of this I would not use the essential oil internally

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