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  • Writer's pictureLisa

Crazy day

I'm trying to keep posting just a little each day and so here I am. Barely making it. It's been a crazy day and tomorrow will be even busier. Today was work. Odd something last night. Checking in the the doctor tomorrow just to make sure it wasn't a seizure, but I was a bit hazy most of the day.

I did call the chamber of commerce and will give them a call back tomorrow to set up an appointment to meet with the woman there. I'm hoping she can point me in the direction of where to go for mentorship, grants, structuring info and so forth. I'm also hoping that she can give me a bit of feedback just to see if there have been any similar businesses that have tried and failed. Just because I can't find any right now doesn't mean others haven't tried this before. I could totally be seeing the world through rose colored glasses just because I think it's a fantastic idea. i need objectivity and I'd rather have it now before contracts are signed and monies are paid.

I'm not going to writ too much. I'm going to try to get a bit of sleep in hopes of feeling a little better tomorrow. A stop at the school, then my Dr., then work, then 4H leader's meeting. I'm looking forward to Friday. Etain and I are heading to Hudson for some research which will actually involve some real life tea and cake! <glee> This could seriously be the best research EVER!

Be good all. I will post reviews and pictures as soon as I can.

Love and light!

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